Monday, August 20, 2012

dentist is done!

Today was very busy! We started off the morning heading downtown to Tapper Dental Clinic. We arrived, signed in, and sat in the waiting room. After about 10 minutes they called us to the front desk and said we didn't have an appointment. What?!? I calmly explained to them that even though we were there last week, they scheduled an appointment for this procedure. Everything was confirmed and scheduled with cardiology, dentist, and supposedly anesthesiology. Well, their response was you must be wrong. That dentist isn't even working here today. *deep breath* I slowly pulled out the appointment reminder card that they gave me just a few days prior. In their own handwriting was clearly written Monday, August 20th at 10am. HA! They made us wait for another 45 minutes while they figured things out, but finally we were called back and bumped right into the dentist (yep the same one that "wasn't working"). Hmm.. Oh well, everyone was very nice and things went smoothly. We sat in the chair and they explained that they just talked with Dr. G (one of our cardiologists). He apparently told them not to pull Ethan's tooth and not to use nitrous oxide. Lovely. Since they weren't going to give him the gas they didn't want to inject novocaine either. That would've made him get all stressed out and upset. Needless to say we did the filling without any drugs, but Ethan was a champ! I was shocked! One of the dentists gave Ethan her iPhone and he watched cartoons while they went to work. He only flinched a couple of times and that was when they were blowing air into the hole they drilled. I couldn't believe how great he did! :)

They got all the cavity out of his tooth and filled it. They're not entirely sure how well it sealed because he kept opening and closing his mouth, but it should be good. And I'm SO glad he got to keep his tooth! PHEW!

After he did such a great job we had a little celebratory lunch. We had a yummy lunch at Cici's Pizza and then headed over to Menchie's for some frozen yogurt. We loved it! :) Then we had a TON of errands to run so we spent the afternoon crossing things off our "to-do" list.

I just wanted to fill you all in on how well his appointment went. Thank you all for the prayers! I know it's just a little dental procedure, but I was very nervous about how everything was going to go anyway! More updates will be coming soon - I know I'm still very behind with our summer!

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