Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Surgery Update 1

Ethan is currently in surgery.

We arrived for pre-op early this morning. Ethan was very very nervous about surgery. Since he did not want Versed (the "happy" medicine) to calm him down, we gave it to him via his nose. That way he did not have to taste it - the taste makes him gag because apparently it is horrible. He is so used to these drugs that it barely took the edge off, but at least we were able to get an IV in him.

After goofing off for a while in pre-op and talking with the surgeons, CT nurse, and child life we headed down to the operating room. Ethan panicked once he saw the operating room doors open, so we had to give him meds to calm him down completely through his IV. Thankfully that worked pretty well.

Once we were inside the OR and he was up on the table they administered the sedation meds. He still was able to fight it - the docs were pretty impressed that he was still waking up and begging not to go to sleep even with all those drugs. His tolerance is pretty high! Thankfully he went to sleep without much fight and has been doing well.

We received an update recently that they had all lines placed and were working on cutting through to his heart. He has a lot more scar tissue than they expected so it is taking longer than planned. He should either be on heart/lung bypass at this point or will be very soon.

All of your prayers and support are so appreciated! Please keep them coming for a safe and successful surgery, and an easy recovery! I will update again when I hear next from the OR.


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