Friday, November 1, 2013


Earlier this week, we were able to carve pumpkins! We had a lot of fun and the kids really got into it this year. I can't believe it, but they even scooped out their own pumpkins! They dug right in and didn't worry about how gross it was at all! :)

Callie, John, and I used templates to make our pumpkins. But Ethan drew a "pumpkin face" on his and cut it out! He was doing well but struggling a bit with the cutting, so we insisted on helping cut. He was NOT happy about that, so he changed his pumpkin to a "sad pumpkin" to match his mood. I love that he added in tears! LOL! He was so proud of it and I'm so happy he enjoyed it so much this year. We had a little contest on Facebook to see who made the best pumpkin. Ethan insisted that his would be the winner since it was so good. "Everybody is going to love my sad pumpkin!" according to him! :)

Callie made a cat and did it completely on her own! She was so happy with it too and had a great time!

John thought for sure his Jack Skellington face would win, but my Velcome bat was the best! :D

Halloween night we braved the wind and rain to trick or treat. The kids had a lot of fun and were so excited to head out! This was Callie's first year going as something scary instead of girly. *sob* John and Callie were thrilled about that though!

Ethan was very excited about being a police man this year. He had been planning for a long time prior to Halloween. Here's a picture he drew a few weeks ago to let me know what he wanted to be. ;)

Fiona even dressed up this year! I can't believe it, but she kept her costume on with no problem the whole time! She was a big baby and made us carry her half the time, but she enjoyed herself too. :) And I think she was the cutest little bumblebee or "bumblefee" ever. Some houses even gave her treats and lots of rubbings!

After we finished the first cul-de-sac, Ethan was tired and wanted to be done for the night. He outgrew his stroller and our wagon was filled with leaves and rain, so he had to walk. Thankfully he had gotten a good stash of candy by that point to go through. Callie wasn't finished yet at all, so she and John went to finish up the neighborhood! They really hauled in a TON of candy since not many kids were out in the rain!

Hope you all had a wonderful and safe Halloween too!

And to top it off, today Ethan brought home the "Shining Star" prize from school! I was so excited! They give this to a kid who is being good in school. :) Did not really expect to see this coming home from him!

Still no new news for Ethan. Our doctors emailed again and said they're working on making sure everything is set up the way they need it for the CT scan. We'll find out soon when that will happen. They're also already reconsidering what to do with the conduit. Maybe we'll just try to balloon it instead of placing the other covered stent. We can use the other covered stent if there is an issue or problem when ballooning it. I guess we'll just wait and see what the CT scan shows to give us some idea of the best plan for the cath. I'll let you know once I hear something.

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