Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 4 - Universal Studios!


Thursday we went to the pediatrician to see what’s going on with Ethan’s arm. He had his pneumonia shot 2 days ago and it has been terribly painful, swollen, and discolored. He has such a huge pain tolerance I was so surprised that this hurt him so bad. The doctor looked at it and said he had a severe allergic reaction to this shot. Poor guy! It’s starting to improve a bit, but she said it’ll take a few more days before he’s back to normal. We’ll just keep trying to convince him to move it around a bit, switch around with warm and cold on it, and continue with the Tylenol for pain.

As of yesterday his arm was feeling a lot better. So much better he was able to go to school! The poor boy hasn't made it through a whole week of school since before Christmas! I believe he'll be repeating preschool next year instead of moving ahead to Kindergarten. :( We'll find out that soon at conferences!


Today was probably the best day of the trip!
We woke up in the morning to the kids snuggling together reading Harry Potter. Needless to say Callie was excited to go see Hogwarts!

                                                   Kids in bed reading Harry Potter

We decided to just pick up breakfast this morning so we went to Burger King on the way to the park. Then we were off to Universal! Today the weather was gorgeous - sunny and 80s!

                                                         John and the kids at Universal
                                        The sun was apparently in Ethan's eyes :)

When we got to the park we were able to get a great parking spot since the parking attendants saw our Village Parking pass. They let us park with the VIP parking so that was pretty great! Everyone at Universal did an amazing job spotting our buttons and having us avoid any lines or waits! They were all so helpful and kind it was awesome!

We headed to the Islands of Adventure first (mainly because I couldn’t wait much longer for Harry Potter lol!) First we went to Suess Landing. The kids loved it there! The first ride we went on was One Fish Two Fish. You ride in these fish in a circle and they squirt water at you. They do have a little instruction “If you want to stay dry listen to me. Red fish up blue fish down.” Ethan and I were in blue so we went down...and lo and behold got SOAKED! Easily tricked I guess! Good thing Ethan loved getting wet! Haha!

                                                    John and Callie on the blue fish
Callie and Ethan

After that ride we headed over to hit a little roller coaster that Ethan was tall enough for. It was his very first roller coaster and he loved it! After the coaster was done we went for a ride on the carousel.

                              Getting ready for the roller coaster (that's his thumb's up sign lol)

Next we headed to Hogsmeade - Harry Potter’s area! We were all so excited to see it! We checked out the Hogwarts Express for a minute then went in search of the rides. Callie and John tried out the little roller coaster there - Flight of the Hippogriff. Callie loved it but thought it might be a little quick for Ethan, so we decided to hold him off of that one. It was pretty hot at that point so we went and bought a frozen Butterbeer to drink. I wasn’t sure how it would taste, but we were very happy to learn that we all LOVED it!

                                              Everyone trying out the butterbeer - yum!

                                   The kids and I at Hogsmeade - very crowded!
                                                                 The Butterbeer cart

By this point Ethan was getting cranky. I think we just weren’t quite used to the heat yet! We decided to leave Hogwarts for a while. We walked over to sit near a fountain that talked to people and squirted water at them. It was pretty funny to see the interaction between this thing and all the people around it. After checking it out a little (from a safe distance) I saw that any donations for it go to Give Kids the World Village! :) We had some drinks and snacks while we rested there.

                                                 Ethan resting by the gardens at Universal

Once Ethan was snacking and playing in the garden there I snuck back over to Hogwarts to ride the Harry Potter ride! I know I’m a nerd! :) I walked right on and loved the ride! Unfortunately Callie chickened out so I had to ride alone, but it was still great!
                                            The talking sorting hat in line for Harry Potter ride

After that I met back up with John and the kids and we headed back to Suess Landing. The kids wanted to ride the Cat in the Hat ride that we skipped earlier. Everyone thought that was a great ride too so Ethan was happy again. :)

After that we headed over to Toon Lagoon. There the kids played on Popeye’s ship and squirted waterguns down at the people on the water ride below. They had fun on the slides and ship toys too.

Over by the Popeye ship       
Kids at the squirtguns  

After that we walked around to check out Superhero Island on the way out. Then we headed to the other side of Universal.
                                                    Superhero island

                                           The kids and I in front of the Universal globe

Once we got in there we saw the big Shrek 4D line. We found out we were just in time for the next show, so that was perfect! Of course we didn’t have to wait in the long line, so we went right in to see the show. That was a great show! You watched a 3D movie along with the seats moving, water squirting at you, and you can feel the wind blowing at you! We all loved that show.

Of course we had to get pictures with Shrek and his friends after the show! We were given a pass for one free picture at Universal.

                                                   The kids with Shrek and friends :)

After Shrek we went over to the Kidzone. We hit a little pizza eatery first then went to play.

                                                The Woody sign for the pizzeria we ate lunch at
                                                       Then we found the real Woody!

There was a playground that the kids absolutely had a blast on. There were climbing ropes, slides, tunnels, and best of all a waterslide! I took the kids up to the top (there were a ton of stairs) and planned on sending them down together. Well apparently I needed to go down the slide too once I was up there. Nice. At least we were in a raft! Callie went first and then Ethan and I went down. It was pretty fun and I was surprised at how much Ethan loved it! He kept wanting to do it again and again, so from then on they let us use the elevator and the kids just rode together! Much better plan. :)

                                         Ethan and mom on the waterslide - he loved it!

                                                           Climbing on the ropes
                                                                       Dino drum
                                             Callie on the dinosaur skeleton slide

We were able to see Spongebob in the area so we went to stand in line to get a picture. He spotted us standing there and ran over to us to get pictures! I doubt the other people in line were thrilled, but the kids loved it! Lol.

The kids with Spongebob

After our pictures we headed to ride Woody’s Express roller coaster. This was the fastest one Ethan would have ridden so we were a little leery about it. Apparently that worry was for nothing. He loved it! In fact he loved it so much he threw a giant temper tantrum when it was over and we got off!

We decided to try out the ET ride since we were right next to it. It was a pretty cool ride. Ethan was a little spooked because of all the aliens and smoke everywhere, but he still said it was fun.

After that the park was almost closed so we headed out and went back to the village. At the village we picked up some free passes to try out Pirate Adventure Mini Golf. It’s this amazing putt-putt course right around the corner from the village. Definitely worth a trip if you’re even in the area! We all had a great time and Callie even got a hole in one on the 18th hole! That gave her a token for another free game sometime!

                                    (bad pic) night fun at Pirate Island Adventure Golf

We were pretty hungry by this point so we headed to a Waffle House for dinner. After that it was back to the villa for baths and bed. When we got back home we saw that the “Gift Patrol” had left Gator Golf and Simon Flash games for the kids! The loved it - especially Gator Golf -- and played it all week!

                                  Here's a video of the kids playing with their new Gator Golf :)
                    (please don't mind the fact that Ethan doesn't feel the need to wear pants. ever.)

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