Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pulmonology and Day 2 - Sea World!

Before we begin with the trip I wanted to ask for a few prayers for today's appointment. Ethan meets with Dr. Royce from pulmonology today. This will be our first appointment with the lung docs, and according to Dr. Royce's reaction to his last scans it's surprising that we haven't been followed by them for years! Oh well, please pray that everything goes smoothly today and that his lung function has improved since his last hospitalization. He seems to be doing better but he does still get VERY exhausted. Yesterday he went back to school for the first time in a couple weeks (he's only been to school about 4 days in the past 6 weeks) and it wore him out. He only goes 2.5 hours in the morning, but at 4pm he fell asleep on the couch. He didn't wake up until after 7pm, then went to bed for the night before 9pm and slept all the way till time to get up for school. He still would have kept sleeping if I didn't wake him up this morning! I'll keep you all posted on how the appointment goes. Also we have a follow-up cardiology appointment next Wednesday that we'll need really good results on. We're having another echo to see how his heart function is since the cath. We have to check if his arteries are already starting to clot or not. Thanks for the prayers and I'll keep you posted!

Day 2 started out a little dreary. It was drizzling and upper-60s. Even though the weather wasn’t awesome in the morning we still got out and had a lot of fun! The rain wasn’t hard enough to even warrant an umbrella, so we started the day going to the Gingerbread House for breakfast. It’s this cute cafeteria style restaurant at the village. We ate pancakes, eggs, sausage, freshly made waffles, and tons of fresh fruit. It was delicious!

                                                    John in front of the Gingerbread House

By the time breakfast was over the rain had stopped, so we headed over to where the village hosted horseback riding at Keaton’s Korral. A nearby farm brings their horses in twice a week for the kids to ride. It was absolutely adorable! The kids were able to ride around the corral a few times, pose for pictures, and afterwards receive a certificate and cowboy hats. I was a little nervous about how Ethan would take it, but both kids absolutely loved it!

                                                                Callie riding a horse
Ethan on the horse he rode  

                                  Here are the kids with their riding certificates and cowboy hats

After horseback riding we hit the Amberville Train Station because apparently Ethan will not let us pass by the station without going in!

After a quick stop in to see the trains we loaded up the car and headed out to Sea World! We wanted to do something easy for our first day, so we felt that would be the best bet. We had a great time there! We all enjoyed petting the stingrays (even though Ethan conveniently pulled his hand away before he actually “touched” the stingrays)!

John and the kids by the stingray tank

After the stingrays we walked around the park to check out some animals. After a little wandering around and eating Dippin Dots we headed to the dolphin area to feed dolphins. That was a fun experience even though we did have to fend off the birds who kept trying to eat all the fish! I tried to upload a little video of Ethan feeding the dolphins but it didn't work. :( Well, he was able to throw a couple trays of disgusting looking fish into the dolphins' mouths. He was a little iffy on touching the dolphins, but he enjoyed tossing the fish to them. After he finished feeding the dolphins the dolphin trainer had the dolphin lay up on the little ledge in the tank. We were able to pet them and that was really cool! Ethan didn't want to touch its body, but he did pet the dolphin's fins. He liked it and now has a stuffed dolphin to snuggle with. :)

After the dolphin feeding we made our way to the Shamu show. We walked in and the workers saw our buttons. They directed us right down to the front row middle. Totally awesome seats! Let me tell you...we got VERY nervous when they said “Who’s ready to get wet?” and EVERYONE around us pulled out and covered up with ponchos! The four of us were sitting in the front row just looking around completely unprotected! Lol thankfully somehow Shamu must have felt bad for us so we barely even got splashed! Everyone around us was drenched but it was like there was a magic little dry bubble around us. Phew! Even though we didn’t get very wet, Ethan absolutely loved every bit of that show! He cracked up each time they jumped out of the water and especially when the whales started splashing. He’s such a crazy boy!

                                                                 We were so close!
                                                       Ethan and mom watching Shamu
                                                   The family next to the Shamu tank
                                                     Callie and Ethan by the Shamu signs

After the Shamu show we went over to see the polar bear exhibit. We were able to go in the back entrance and avoid the line thanks again to our Make-a-Wish buttons! Nothing was really going on in that exhibit, but we still enjoyed walking through it and seeing the sleeping bears and other animals.

We decided to leave Sea World after that. When we got back to the village it was dinnertime so we headed back to the Gingerbread House to eat. There we had a delicious pot roast dinner with all the veggies, mashed potatoes, and sides. So yummy!

Next we walked over to the Castle of Miracles to decorate and place Ethan’s miracle star. It is a special little golden star that they place on the ceiling of their castle to stay at the village forever! It’s pretty amazing knowing that something Ethan did will forever be a part of this village. They had a whole cute little presentation of the Star Fairy coming to take his star from the magic box to take it up to the ceiling. There are over 80,000 stars on the ceiling currently!

                                    Ethan holding up the star he decorated (I know it's not a good pic)

            This is the room Ethan's star is in. You can see some stars on the ceiling in this picture.

Once the star was done we decided to get his magic pillows. This “magical tree” in the Castle of Miracles had a whole presentation about an owl helping Ethan fill his special pillow with love. After he pushes the buttons and pulls the right ropes it creates his very own pillow to keep. Ethan actually had 2 pillows pop up (a boy one for him and a girly one for Callie). :) They were very happy!

                                    Callie and Ethan making their pillows at the Magic Pillow Tree

Then we headed to the other side of the Castle to the “La Ti Da Spa” where Callie had her nails painted, makeup done, and both kids got airbrush tattoos. Callie loved the pampering! :)

                                               Callie getting her nails and makeup done
                                                                   Drying her nails

Once the kids finally had their fill of fun in the Castle we headed over to Mayor Clayton’s birthday party. Mayor Clayton is a giant rabbit who is the mayor of the village. The kids had fun at the birthday party doing crafts, listening to music, dancing, and eating all kinds of treats.

        Mom and the kids with Mayor Clayton and Ms. Merry (push the play button to see the picture)

                                       Callie doing crafts at Mayor Clayton's birthday party
                                        Ethan doing crafts at Mayor Clayton's birthday party
                                           John was VERY excited to be at the birthday party :)

Of course we had to hit the Amberville Train Station on the way back to the villa. This time we rode the train around the putt-putt course which was pretty fun.

When we arrived back at the villa we found that the “Gift Patrol” had left a Give Kids the World edition of Candyland. It is awesome and has all the things about the village as part of the game! Definitely love this gift!
                                  Ethan in front of a picture of the Candyland game they gave us.

By that time it was late and we were all exhausted, so the kids took a nice bath and went to bed.

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