Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 6 - Day off


We woke up this morning to a very beautiful and hot day. It was sunny and upper 80s!

We decided to take a day off the big parks, and instead planned to do some fun activities and check out Legoland.

We started off the day with McDonalds for breakfast. By this point I was in desperate need of a Mocha Frappe! :) Then we went to cash in Callie’s winning token at Pirate Island Adventure Golf. We played a great round of golf and had a lot of fun.

                                            The kids at Pirate Island Adventure Golf
                                           There was a stinky part of the putt-putt course :)

After our golf outing we decided to go see Legoland. We picked up our free passes from the Village that morning and headed out! Ethan was so excited - he is VERY into Legos right now so we figured this was a perfect place to go! We made the 45 minute drive to Legoland only to find it was surprisingly not at all crowded. Hmmm. After a few minutes of circling the empty parking lot trying to find another entrance where all the people were, we looked the park up on our phone. Yeah, it was definitely closed that day! Oh we were so disappointed! So we drove all the way back to the village.

By that point we decided it was too late and too hot to try and make it to Hollywood Studios or Epcot (those were our last two parks on the agenda). We decided to take the day off and enjoy the Village.

We unloaded the car back at the villa, got into bathing suits, and headed to the pool.

                                                   Sand castle in front of the pool

We spent the afternoon playing in the water - they had a splash pad and beautiful pool. The kids had so much fun - and so did we!

                                                   Surfboard pictures at the pool
                  We tried to explain to Ethan he needs to put his arms out to look like he's surfing. :)

After a few hours of swimming in the sun we decided to take a break for a late lunch. We headed over to Katie’s Kitchen (Boston Market) and picked up a huge lunch to take back to the villa. By that point we were too hot to eat outside. We hung out around the villa trying to rest and cool off for a bit - Ethan does not feel that great when it gets really hot out. He gets pretty cranky and tired, so we hoped to let him relax and get back into a good mood.
                                                                 Ordering our food

That night the Village hosted Kid’s Night Out/Parent’s Night Off. It was where the kids in the Village all met up at Amberville Train Station and each child had a volunteer to spend the evening with. Our volunteer group was the girls’ softball team from Grove City Community College. They were having a softball tournament that weekend and they all decided to come over and spend some time with the kids at the village. So nice of them! Callie and Ethan each picked a girl to hang out with and said goodbye to me.

The kids played at Amberville for a little bit, then they all went to the Gingerbread House for dinner, and then to Julie’s Safari Theater to have “Village Idol”. The kids and their volunteers all picked songs to get up on stage and sing/dance for everyone else. Our kids and their girls picked “Thriller”! And I wasn’t even there to influence them! :) I had a video to put up here of the kids doing their dance, but unfortunately I'm having major difficulties getting it transferred over. :(
While the kids were off having fun John and I took a little nap. Yeah, I know we are so old. Lol! This had been an exhausting week!!! After that John and I went and explored the Village on our own for a bit. We played some dinosaur putt-putt, played pool, ping-pong, basketball, and took a nice long walk all around the village and checked out the playground. We really enjoyed our evening too!

                                                      John picking "Old Elmer's" nose

At 9pm it was time to pick up the kids from Village Idol. After we got them we decided to go grab some ice cream since we hadn’t had any today. :)

Then it was time to head back to the villa and for baths and bed. The plans didn’t really work out for us today, but we had an awesome day soaking in the sun and having fun at the pool and all the fun things to do at the Village!

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