Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pulmonology and DAY 3 - Animal Kingdom

I decided to start with the recap from the pulmonology appointment we had yesterday. We met with Dr. Royce and the appointment went pretty well. Ethan's lung function has increased since a month ago when we first met him! Yay! He still has coarse sounding lungs with crackles and pops so we have work to do still. He's considering if we need to start using a vibrating vest to help break up secretions. Basically since this was our first real appointment we are starting from scratch. Dr. Royce said we need to have another full blown CT scan so he can get the images he wants - the heart one from a month ago won't work for him since there's not enough lung detail on there. This one will need to be sedation and full levels of radiation. :( He also wants to do a bronch scope to see if his airway is soft and collapsing when Ethan breathes. This will have to be done with half sedation and allow him to partially wake up during the scope. He said  we should be able to do both tests on the same day but just at different times due to the different sedations needed. *sigh* This will mean another hospitalization in the near future. He will discuss what he wants to do with cardiology this week, and we should hear back from Dr. Royce during the week and hear what Dr. Zahka (cardiology) thinks at our appointment next Wednesday. Hopefully they come up with some good ideas!
Ethan also had to have a pneumonia shot. :( He was NOT happy! He's had a basic pneumonia shot a year or two ago at the pediatrician's office, but this one apparently will be more protection for him since he is so high risk. Ethan did not handle the shot well at all. His shoulder swelled up last night and he was in a terrible amount of pain! He has such a huge pain tolerance I was shocked to see him just sobbing because of this. Every time his arm moves he just screams out. :( Last night was very exhausting and every time he fell asleep he'd bump or move his arm and it would wake him up hurting. He's home from school again today because he still refuses to move his arm. Please pray that the swelling, pain, and discoloration goes away so he can feel better! Now onto the fun stuff...

By day 3 the weather was warming up. It was in the low 70s and sunny. We decided to hit Animal Kingdom. Our plan was to try and do the less crowded parks over the weekend (Sea World and Animal Kingdom) and wait to do the big parks (Disney and Universal) during the week. We were hoping that would keep the crowds to a minimum. :)

We woke up and went to have our breakfast at the Gingerbread House. That morning we had french toast, waffles, sausage, tons of fruit, and eggs. They also had a donut cart set up that the kids were sure to find!

After a delicious breakfast we packed up the car and headed out to Animal Kingdom.

                                                             Animal Kingdom entrance

It was a really cool place. Since this was a Disney park we were able to use our Photopass! It was a card that Disney donated to the families staying at Give Kids the World village. With this pass all the photographers that work there (you see them wandering all around the park especially where the cool stuff is). This card lets you get your pictures taken and in 30 days you can download them for free online! YAY! I’m so excited to see them! The card can be bought from the parks but it costs $250, so we were very blessed to have this given to us! Our first stop was the Tree of Life. If you’ve never seen it it’s pretty amazing! It’s a huge tree with carvings of animals all over it - the detail was awesome! Inside the tree they have this 3D bug adventure, but due to Ethan’s hatred/terror of bugs we decided that wouldn’t be the best start to the day!

                                                   John and the kids at Animal Kingdom
                                                The kids and I by the Tree of Life Garden
                                                   John and the kids by the Tree of Life

After the tree we headed over to check out Africa and go on a safari. That was definitely the highlight of the day! We went on a 20 minute safari and saw all kinds of animals through the journey! It was a lot of fun and we all enjoyed it so much!

                                                            Giraffe on safari
                                         Ethan spent the entire safari looking backwards
                                          Lionness on top of a huge boulder pile on safari

Once we got off the safari Ethan spotted a train crossing so of course we had to go find where the train was and where it went! We found out that there was in fact a train that took you to Rafiki’s area (the monkey from Lion King). There we took pictures with Rafiki, checked out some bugs and veterinary displays, and visited a goat/sheep petting area. The kids loved petting and brushing the goats - and having their shirts nibbled on. :)

                           Me posing by an evil emu (I would not be this close if it wasn't a picture!)
                                                         Rafiki with Callie and Ethan
                                           The kids brushing (and being nibbled by) a goat

After a good scrubbing we left the goats and headed to Dinosaur Land. There we all rode a spinning dino ride. Ethan loved that! Callie and John rode a little dinosaur coaster without us since we didn’t know at that point that Ethan loves coasters. We thought it’d be too much for him.

                                                        Ethan on the dinosaur ride

In Dino Land we also ran into some friends from the Hundred Acre Wood!

Once Dino Land was done we were starving so we went and ate at a delicious BBQ spot in the park. So yummy!

After dinner we decided to head over to Camp Mickey and Minnie. The kids were able to see all the characters there and get a lot more pictures! We checked out all the sites, saw some animals, and visited with our favorite TV friends.

By that point Ethan had decided he had enough of the park. We headed back to the village. Once we unloaded the car we walked back over to the Gingerbread House and ate a delicious pork loin dinner. Ethan picked our eating room that day so we went to the Cupcake Room where there were shelves all around filled with all kinds of metal vehicles. There was no big surprise we ate there from then on! Lol.

After dinner we walked over to the Castle of Miracles to see where the Star Fairy had placed Ethan’s star. The volunteer there had a whole big presentation to show us where the star was, and it was good to see even though Ethan could care less at that point! He kept trying to leave the Star Tower to go play with the legos in the other room of the castle! I felt kind of bad for the volunteer, but at least I was interested! Of course Ethan went and played his legos for a while then we started to head back home. On the way we passed by the night’s village party. This one was a giant Candyland game where the kids were all game pieces and got to play along. The kids also spotted a man making balloon animals so we of course went and got those. Ethan picked a red puppy (big surprise lol) and Callie had him make an elephant holding a sucker. She’s never one to let people off easy! He did a great job on both - I was very impressed with the elephant one!

After that we headed over to the Amberville Train Station - yep still couldn’t pass it without Ethan demanding that we go in! There we watched the model trains, played ping pong, and the kids played on their rocking teeter/totter helicopter.

After that we finally made it back to the villa for baths and beds. When we got back home we saw that the “Gift Patrol” had left Spongebob keychains and a picture frame for us.

                                                                     Sleepy kids :)

We definitely had a great day. The kids were exhausted but excited for morning since we were going to head to Universal! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're blogging this way now! I'm so grateful y'all got to go on such a fun trip. Ethan looked so happy :)
