Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Congenital Heart Walk 2012

The Congenital Heart Walk is coming up October 6th! Last year we participated and raised a lot of money for research to find a cure for kids like Ethan! We did the short walk and enjoy all the activities afterwards. This year is expected to be even bigger and lots of fun! Please join us and support this much needed research! The walk is happening at Wade Oval Park in Cleveland, Ohio.

If you can't make it but still want to donate, please go to our fundraising website, click join our team, and make a donation! Or you can send me a check/money and we can have that amount doubled through my father's company!

Here's the link to our team's webpage:

We are having team shirts made again this year. We are selling them for $15 each for youth sizes through XL. Each additional "X" after that is an extra $1. Please let me know if you'd like a shirt and what size you need! I'm going to place the order soon so we can get these shirts made and available before the walk. You can also order a shirt even if you can't make it to the walk! :)

Front of shirt design (on gray shirt):

Back of shirt design (on gray shirt):


Please contact me about any donations or shirt orders you'd like. You can either leave a comment at the end of this blog, comment on carepages, or email me at jkbradley44@gmail.com. Thank you so much for supporting this! :)

Healthwise Ethan's been pretty good. We're still doing breathing treatments trying to make his lungs as clear as possible. I think he's improving lung-wise so that's definitely good news! Unfortunately he's still very blue and his energy level is decreasing. It's been especially apparent lately that any activity he does just leaves him really out of breath and blue. He needs to take a lot of rests and winds up being carried around everywhere. We'll be resuming his Lovenox injections this weekend and stopping his Coumadin since next Monday is his heart cath. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as this will be an extremely difficult and risky cath. I'm nervous about it, but I know God is watching out for us! We have amazing doctors and I trust that everything will go smoothly. :) Your prayers though are VERY appreciated though!

We also are restarting his occupational and physical therapies. His first OT evaluation is Thursday. He seems to just be behind with some things like climbing, stairs, and some basic things you notice other kids his age doing on the playground but he can't yet. He also needs help on some more occupational areas like dressing. Hopefully these therapies will help bring him up to speed. :) Callie also started physical therapy this week for her back and leg muscles. She had injured her back years ago on the stairs, then tightened up her muscles to avoid it hurting and ended up so tight she can't even bend over and touch her toes. *sigh* Now she'll be going to PT to help loosen her up again.

I hope to hear from you about the heart walk! Thanks everyone!

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