Monday, September 24, 2012

Ethan's in the cath lab

Ethan is currently in the cath lab. He did so well in pre-op this morning so that was a huge relief! He was calm and happy with his Versed instead of the "angry drunk" that he was in June. Child Life came in and played with him for a while. She colored pictures and drew ambulances with him. Also they dressed up his stuffed puppy into a doctor's outfit complete with a nametag that Ethan filled out. :) He resisted a little bit when he was getting the gas in the OR, but overall had no problems. They just upped the gas until he passed out.

                                           John and Ethan waiting to go back to pre-op :)

                                      Ethan and "Dr. Puppy" after he took his Versed :)

Dr. Golden is planning the procedure to clear out his left pulmonary artery ( the areas that keep clotting). He's also going to scope around and make sure everything looks clear in the other collaterals. Then he'll put the stent in the conduit. That's the tough part, but he'll have two other interventionists in there for the procedure.

I'll keep you posted as the updates come in from the OR. They said to plan for all day as usual. Please keep Ethan in your prayers today that everything goes well and his recovery is easy. They're using a catheter two sizes larger than they are used to in order to accomodate the stent. Thanks for all your prayers and support - I'll keep you updated!

I just got an update and Ethan is doing well so far. No problems and no arrhythmias. He's sleeping comfortably and they're taking pictures and getting pressures. Then they will start doing some intervention - ballooning and cleaning things out. I'll get another update in about an hour.

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