Monday, September 24, 2012

still in the OR

Ethan's cath ended a couple hours ago, but he's still back in the OR. The docs are not able to get his blood to clot at his incision site on his neck. They had to use such a large catheter that it seems to be just too much for him to stop bleeding right now. We pray that they can get it to stop quickly, but if it's not done by 10pm they will have to go back to surgery. Dr. Stewart (his surgeon) will end up making a small cut on his neck to expose his vein, then he will suture it to stop the bleeding. Please keep him in your prayers that the bleeding stops quickly! I know he's stable right now and so that's good. His heart is still leaking slightly around the stents, but we pray that that will stop soon too. It's not concerning at this point. We'll definitely keep monitoring it with chest x-rays and echos to see if the bleeding is pooling anywhere or increasing though. He's going to stay intubated for the night and we'll stay here in PICU. Hopefully we'll still be able to go home tomorrow as planned, but we'll jsut wait and see how the night/day progresses. Please pray that his bleeding stops and we can get to our room. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support today! We appreciate it more than you know! I'll post again once we hear something -- and hopefully I'll have some pictures of us in our room soon!

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