Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Well the doctor came in this afternoon and changed up that whole "rest through the night" plan. :) They stopped his sedation medicine around 2:30pm. He finally woke up enough around 4:30pm to take out the breathing tube! It was successful and there was no bleeding! Thank you Lord! So far he has been stable. He's needed oxygen through a nasal cannula. He's still very tired, but he's been up for a couple hours snacking on his precious ice chips and eating popsicles. He has had a small fever (around 101F) throughout the evening so they're about to give him another round of Tylenol. Hopefully that'll take care of the fever and make him comfortable enough to get a good night's sleep. His catheter is bothering him a lot, but they can't take it out yet. He keeps complaining "my weenie hurts". :( He's getting a dose of lasix now which will help him pee. He needed this because he's a bit swollen and retaining fluid. One dose should do the trick though so hopefully they can get that catheter out in the morning. I know he'll be very happy about that! He also has a pressure sore on his butt. It probably was from how long he was in the cath lab yesterday. We're treating that now with keeping him on his side and lots of cream. Hopefully it heals up quickly! Other than that he's doing well. He's got a very sore throat, but he seems to be handling it pretty well. Hopefully he can get a good sleep tonight and tomorrow start moving around and eating/drinking. Once he's able to eat/drink and move around without bleeding or any complications we'll be able to talk about going home!

He finally gave me a smile this evening! It made me so happy :) Haven't seen a smile since yesterday morning. He was asking for another round of popsicles. I told him we should wait so his belly doesn't get upset. He tilted his head and said "My belly says 'I want some food.'" :) Then he smiled and gave me a little chuckle. Made my night :) Hopefully plenty more smiles will come tomorrow as he starts feeling better!

Have I mentioned how much we love our cardiologist? Dr. Z bakes us homemade cookies for our appointments and hospitalizations. He said he was too stressed out at the cath to stay till the end, so he went home and baked cookies while watching the cath on his computer. :) He brought these in for us today - and they are SOOO good! M&Ms, Rolo, double chocolate chunk, and chocolate chip - YUM! Love that man!

                                              Ethan sleeping before being extubated.

                                           Breathing tube is finally out!! YAY!

                                Still sleepy from all the drugs, but he's loving his popsicles :)

                                                              Yum yum yum :)

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